Lounge Gossip page

Where Bre shares some of our tips and secrets and things you want to hear about!!

My goal is to update this every Monday for you readers, so I hope you come back for more!

Please forgive my typing errors. lol

Entry 2 : February 24, 2025

Permanent Eyebrows and how often do I get them done?

This is such a personal topic for me. Because the answer, well, its personal to each client! Some of my clients deisre a more makeup look to their brows, while lots of my lots love that "lived in" more natural look, so they will probably get more time out of their brows than someone else. Most important is knowing the signs on when you are due:

You will be reaching for your brow pencil or powder to start adding more color here and there. When this turns back into daily habit, come see me ;)

But don't put a timeframe or calendar date on it. Save your skin for when you truly need pigment. Otherwise they will become over saturated with time and look like tattooed eyebrows when entering any room. lol. Not what most my clients are wanting.

So same goes for a 6 week touch up, or your annual color boost. Come back to see us when you have noticeable worn through some pigment. This will prevent the need for any kind of brow removal in your future. And probably feel easier on your pocket book.

Your welcome. ;)

Entry 1 : February 17, 2025

Lets Chat - PRP vs. Exosomes

This is a big topic right now for so many, and I do love the power of exosomes, but also had/have the opportunity to offer PRP as well, or instead of exosomes, and I have to say I dont think anything will be able to show me that you will get as effective or as good results using PRP, over Exosomes. While PRP is natural, so its ethically sourced, high quality Exosomes! They use wortons jelly which comes from the ambilicol cord and safely washed through a cleaning process to deliver us the BEST version of the youthful cells we can get. While PRP can do the same, one of the big things not explained is how your PRP is only as healthy as you are.....thats right.. your PRP results are based on how clean you eat, and what you put in your body. GULP For me, to be honest, I do like a burger and fries now and then and I might even wash it down with a shake. No shame. But also I dont think I want to use my PRP. lol.

This all came to light for me as my dad and I were both having a scalp mironeedling session done using PRP, and after the spinning process, looking at the PRP being used for the treatment: my dads version was like liquid gold. lol which makes sense since he is naturally a clean eater, he eats lots of fish and vegtables. Whereas my PRP was much more a clear yellow, Im assuming from consuming to much Dr Pepper. But thats ok, because Exosomes have changed the game drastically, and now, I dont even like to microneedle, or do an ablative treatment like the plasma pen, without it. Night and day difference in healing, downtime, and the long lasting benefits that PRP just cant offer. Basically, Exosomes is far beyond better than PRP, and it will be hard to beat its precision in execution! We use Anteage as a brand, and they provide tons of information on how their products are sourced and made.

Now go book your Microneedling w/ Exosome treatment!